The threat of rain did not put a damper on the ceremony dedicating the new Recreation-Pool Building on Flag Day, June 14. The program began with the Floral Park Fire Department Color Guard advancing the Colors. Former Mayor Tom Hayden led the audience in the Pledge of Alliance to the Flag. Cultural Affair’s Chairwoman Alexa Ventimiglia, accompanied by Gerry Hanson on keyboard, sang the Star Spangled Banner. Rev. Gaines Sikes offered an Invocation.
Floral Park’s Swimming Pool swim team members took part in the celebration. Ten colorful historical flags were displayed by the young people. Unexpected sunlight, red, white and blue balloons and patriotic music gave the occasion special significance.
Before the formal Dedication by Mayor Ann Corbett, Recreation Director Kurt Meyfohrt, Trustees Phil Guarnieri, Kevin Greene, Gerry Bambrick and Tom Tweedy greeted those present and gave brief overviews of the history related to the original seasonal pool building at the site, the evolution of the village’s recreation programs and the construction of the new Recreation-Pool Building. The building has been open since January 1, 2003.
The Mayor in her remarks dedicating the new village building said, “On such an auspicious occasion I thought it fitting to dedicate this place to the countless volunteers throughout our Village’s past, present and future history.”
She went on to say, “Volunteerism has been a hallmark of this community going back to 1800s. In 1893 our volunteer fire department emerged. In the 60s a group of citizens suggested the Village have a summer pool program. In retrospect, you might agree, the idea was one of remarkable vision. With some compromises, the idea became a reality. In the 90’s, a volunteer committee developed a design for a community center at this location. While the idea was not embraced by voters, the process led to the eventual decision by the present village board to build this more modest year-round facility to be supported and shared by the Village’s Recreation Department and the pool membership.
Today this building stands as a tribute to the volunteers past, present and future – the people who have truly made a difference in our local history, and all those who are actively volunteering at the present time, and all the volunteers with flowering ideas yet to emerge. Volunteers who will help to keep our village a wholesome place to work, play, learn and live in the years to come. |
In honor of the volunteers of our village several trees will be planted at the islands in the parking field adjacent to this building.”
The Mayor also thanked H2M, the architectural and engineering firm’s architect Ron Lanner; THC, the general contracting firm, representatives President Stanley Mitchell, Vice President George Vasilescu and Project Manager Stephen Rotach; Dvirka & Bartilucci engineer Chris Clements for the parking lot design; and George Gustafsson, electrician.
Management staff also recognized by Mayor Corbett were: Village Administrator Virginia Appel, Superintendent of Buildings Steve Siwinski, Village Engineer Ed Palmer, Superintendent of Public Works Ken Tymecki, Recreation Director Kurt Meyfohrt and Legal Counsel John Ryan for their professional and expert contributions to the capital project which was initiated in November 2001. |
Attending the ceremony were members and family members of the original Pool Committee established in the early 60’s. Former Mayor Tom Hayden, a committee member, was invited to offer his recollections of the days when the idea of have a swimming pool facility for Floral Park residents was debated and how the idea eventually became a reality.
Mayor Corbett accepted congratulatory citations from a number of dignitaries present at the dedication ceremony. |