Board Report 01/07/25

Police Department
The New Year’s Day deadly truck attack in New Orleans leaves our Village and Police Department outraged and expressing our sympathy to the victims, their families and the City of New Orleans. 

In the aftermath, as investigations at all levels of government are under way, our Floral Park Police Department pays close attention to the findings of those official investigations, shares them across the Department, and incorporates them into Department training. 

FPPD members who have completed Instructor level training include Sergeant Mayo and Officers Sawicki and Tangredi. Working with Commissioner McAllister and Lieutenant Doherty, this Instructor team closely examines the investigative reports and literature published by agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Federal and State Attorneys General, and the local jurisdictions. Relevant information is shared with the Department in a variety of ways including training classes taught by our FPPD Instructors. Our Department acquires the expertise that is developed after such horrific events. See the related post on our FPPD Facebook page.

With the New Year comes ongoing reminders about illegal standing and parking in the marked emergency zones on Tulip Avenue at the corners in the business district and on Verbena Avenue near the corner of Tulip Avenue. Motorists who violate the law are endangering our safety by blocking the corners for fire department vehicles and ambulances, and will be ticketed.

One-way streets in Floral Park are exactly that. Iris Avenue, between Tulip and Carnation Avenues, is a one-way street. FPPD reminds us that motorists may not exit either parking lot on Iris Avenue and proceed in the direction of Tulip Avenue or the other parking lot, even if it’s only a short distance. It’s against the law. Driving in the correct direction on one-way streets is required at all times.

The attention of our motorists to avoid “‘Blocking the Boxes” at our intersections has been noted by our FPPD Officers who have been assigned directed patrols to reduce and prevent violations. Although sixty-five summonses were issued for this violation during the last two months, we appreciate the cooperation of those motorists who keep our intersections safe.

Let’s all work together with our FPPD for a safe New Year in our Village!

Conservation Society (FPCS)
It might be bitter cold outside but, in the December issue of our Floral Park Village Items, you’ll see that registration for our Recreation Winter/Spring programs is taking place now. One of those programs takes place in our very own Centennial Gardens and Bird Sanctuary. Gardening For Kids, taught by FPCS Volunteer extraordinaire “Miss Laura” Trentacoste, begins Saturday, March 15th at 9 AM, running ten sessions through the end of May. Children, ages three to ten, will be fascinated by the gardening, walks and crafts adventures in our unique, vast Gardens. Our 2024 highlights included planting seeds in the Gardens, planting seeds to take home, and watching them grow – bulbs, flowers, corn, herbs and others; exploring the wonders of nature on all the hilly paths throughout the Gardens; and artistic crafts activities using natural and recycled materials to create caring projects such as birdhouses and bird feeders for our feathered friends who call the Gardens home. 

At Gardening For Kids 2025, our children will have fun with friends and help nature, the Earth and Floral Park. Thank you, “Miss Laura” for creating this valuable and memorable Gardens program for our children!

Chambers of Commerce and Our Businesses
Our Covert Avenue and Floral Park Chambers of Commerce are welcoming the New Year with new members, new businesses and exciting plans.

On Covert Avenue, construction activities are under way to add new businesses and apartments to our busy street. A restaurant is coming to the former bank building at 99 Covert Avenue. Twelve apartments above approximately five to six businesses will occupy the block between Marshall and Beverly Avenues. We all look forward to continuing progress and the openings of these welcome additions to Floral Park. Details to follow in Trustee Longobardi’s Building Department report. See the website for 2025 Chamber membership information at  

The Floral Park Chamber of Commerce will welcome 2025 with a networking dinner meeting this Thursday, 6-8 PM at Crabtree Restaurant on Jericho Turnpike. The 2025 Board of Directors will be introduced and sworn in, and new and interesting business updates will be shared. See the website for meeting registration and 2025 membership information at  


New Year’s Thanks and Best Wishes
We all enjoyed a bright and beautiful 2024 holiday season in Floral Park. Appreciation goes to all of our residents and businesses whose sparkling lights and unique decorations made our Village so festive. Floral Park’s Department of Public Works added to the joy and holiday spirit, brightening our Village buildings, parks and streets. What a glorious place to be at Christmas time and the holiday season!

And now, as we welcome 2025, may the New Year bring good health, peace and joy to all.