06/21/24 Board Report

As mentioned this evening, we approved a settlement with the MTA/LIRR on the last few open items that were part of the Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) that we entered into with the LIRR prior to the commencement of the 3rd Track Project.  This settlement will enable the Village to move forward with certain mitigation projects to offset some of the impacts to residents of the 3rd Track Project. As the 3rd Track Project winds down, I thought it would be a good time to thank certain individuals for their efforts over the past few decades who gave a significant time and commitment to ensure that any adverse effects on our residents and property were reduced:

  • Mayor Ann Corbett who had the foresight to start the 3rd Track Task Force when the project was first proposed.
  • Mayor Phil Guarneri and Mayor Kevin Greene who worked tirelessly to push back and ultimately defeat the first iteration of the project.
  • Mayor Thomas Tweedy who picked up and lead the fight when the 2nd iteration was proposed.
  • Mayor Dominick Longobardi who worked to ensure that once the project was approved over the many objections and serious concerns that an MOU was negotiated to ensure the Village impacts were minimalized and improvements guaranteed.
  • Former State Senator (now Nassau County Comptroller) Elaine Phillips who worked with us and the MTA to have the MOU agreed to.
  • The current Village Board who attended and spoke at the many public hearings.
  • Former Trustee the late Jim Rhatigan.
  • Former Trustee Archie Cheng who during his tenure spent many hours as the Village’s LIRR liaison working day in and day out with the LIRR and 3TC during the construction.  He even was of assistance during the past week.
  • Village Administrator Gerry Bambrick who was intimately involved in every step from legal to operational to visiting residents, and more.
  • Village Attorney John Ryan.
  • Our Superintendent of Buildings and DPW Renee Marcus, Kevin Ginnane and Steve Swiniski.
  • Our Police Commissioner Steve McAllister and the entire Police Department.
  • All of our current and former Fire Chiefs.
  • The members of the 3rd Track Task Force especially Dennis McEnery.
  • The various School Board members and School Administrators.
  • The local community relations team from 3TC.
  • The various administrations at the LIRR especially Hector Garcia who was always willing to meet with residents in both public forums and private settings.  Plus, his willingness to always pick up my calls to discuss ongoing issues.
  • All of the residents, business owners and neighbors who spoke at public hearings or wrote letters with concerns.

Everyone had a significant part in making this project better and certainly a model on how large governmental projects can be successful with the input and consistent involvement of the residents.