02/18/25 Board Report
New York State Comptroller’s Audit Report
The New York State Comptroller’s Office recently conducted an audit of the physical accessibility of the Village’s programs and services and just released its report. We are very happy with the professional manner with which the audit was conducted and are appreciative of the advice and recommendations they provide in their Report. While the large majority of their recommendations relate to smaller items (such as signage, the height of water fountains, the proximity of handicap parking spaces to public buildings, the type of door handles and door closing mechanisms) we agree that addressing these seemingly small items will create an environment accessible to everyone and will have a positive impact for residents and visitors.
As stated in the Village’s Response to the audit Report, despite the fact the Village was founded well over 100 years ago and many of its public buildings predate, by several decades, the implementation of the current 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, the Village nonetheless
“remains committed to providing meaningful access to its programs and services to individuals with disabilities and continually seeks to enhance accessibility. This commitment is reflected in several large projects undertaken by the Village over the last several years, including: the renovation of the Village’s pool and recreation building; upgrading our children’s playground; the recent addition of an ADA compliant accessible front entrance ramp at the Village’s Library; and the addition of hundreds of ADA curb cuts which are an integral part of the Village’s ongoing road reconstruction and repaving program.
While the Village has focused on incorporating accessibility into its larger scale projects, the Village agrees with the Report’s recommendations and believes these recommendations enumerate several smaller scale improvements that, once implemented, will also improve accessibility for the Village’s residents. The Village has already begun implementing several of the Report’s recommendations and has retained ADA consultants to evaluate feasible means of implementing other recommendations from the Report. We appreciate OSC’s guidance and expertise that will facilitate the Village’s ongoing goal of improving accessibility. “
Click here to see the Comptroller’s Report.
Click here to see a copy of the Village’s Response.