07/16/24 Board Report

MTA Queens Bus Network Redesign
To follow up on Trustee Stewart’s report in regard to the Queens Bus redesign, there is not a lot of information provided on the website. We have studied what is available as we do with any major project that impacts the Village. I think the resolution that we passed tonight does lay out in detail some of the concerns that we have not only here in Floral Park but the whole concept of the Q110, which is duplicative of other routes that occur in Queens. Three busses and a train line running on the same route does not seem to make a lot of sense.

E-Village Items
Board reports are quite extensive this evening, due to fewer summer meetings being held. If you have not joined our email blast sent on Friday’s following our Board Meetings, make sure to sign up! There is a lot of good information that we distribute. If you have any questions or concerns outside of the board meeting weeks you can always leave a message at Village Hall and someone will get back to you.

Board Meeting Date Change
Lastly, the August Board Meeting has been moved to Wednesday, August 14th at 8 pm.