02/04/25 Board Report
Four Village Studio
As a reminder, you can view real-time weather readings from the 4VS weather station located atop Floral Park Village Hall. Go To: https://rainwise.net/weather/4VS. Some shows featured next week on 4VS are: Inspiring Stories with Bill Corbett, Jr., featuring “SIBS Place”, Supporting Well Children with A Sick Sibling or Parent, “Wes Houston Presents” Wes Houston J. Peter Hansen, Singer-Songwriter-Guitarist, Uncorked with Rex Whicker “A Trip To Washington, D.C.”, Rex Pairs Wine with his Travel Experience. The full line up can be viewed at 4VS.org.
Department of Public Works
Our DPW Crews have been working hard to keep our Village clean and safe during some of the coldest temperatures in recent memory and some of winter’s warmest! All roads have been treated when weather calls for it, trash, recycling, and bulk refuse is always removed. Additionally, all Village parks and buildings are cleaned and maintained regularly. Trees have been trimmed and maintained. If you are interested in having a tree planted near your property, please call DPW at 516 326-6320.
Verizon has been looking for a place to install a new cell tower to improve cell service in the Village, there is a possibility that Verizon will lease a space on our DPW property for the project.
Along with their typical DPW duties and special projects (e.g. setting up for summer concerts), other responsibilities fall to DPW occasionally, for example checking on the MTA when they perform work in the Village. This past Saturday, Supervisor Larry Decantis and Superintendent Ginnane checked in with the supervisor on site at the MTA tree removal site along Atlantic Avenue to make sure roads were properly closed and safety protocols were being followed. The Flowbird App is now operating in Magnolia Parking Lot, signage has been installed. The Drainage project on Cedar Place is currently in progress. Cedar Place is closed from Cherry Street to West Poplar Street all week.
I would like to thank Village Administrator Gerry Bambrick, Superintendent of Public Works Kevin Ginnane, Superintendent of Buildings Renee Marcus, and fellow Trustee Frank Chiara for working with me to meet representatives from the LIRR at Atlantic Avenue to discuss their plans for tree removal and installation of a new signal shed along the LIRR embankment at 7:00 AM on what may have been the coldest morning of January. Their expertise will assist in making sure plans and drawings are followed, and safety protocols are at the top of everyone’s list. Thank you all for braving the cold that morning.
Sometime in the month of February, we expect the MTA to begin to install a new signal shed and retaining wall just west of the Floral Park train station, along the right of way. As we receive dates and times, we will share it with residents. Please be forewarned that this will include, at times, full road closure of Atlantic Avenue from Carnation Avenue to Rose Avenue and possibly Pansy Avenue.
Please be reminded that Civic Associations meet monthly, and they are a great way to meet some neighbors and hear directly from your elected Trustees. Dates and times of meetings can be found on the Village website at FPVillage.org. Stay tuned for the release of our updated website!