Board Report
Building Department
The first phase of the Covert Fire property which is shoring and foundation, is near complete and the building should start to rise soon. Construction continues at the proposed restaurant at 99 Covert Avenue and is expected to be completed in the next few months. The re-construction and interior improvements at the 266 Jericho Turnpike fire property is ongoing and expected to be completed this summer. The apartment building at 1 Carnation Avenue is nearly complete and occupancy is expected to start in the Spring. The proposed Auto Zone at 2 Whitney Avenue (the old Rite Aid), will start renovations in the next few weeks. Permits will be issued shortly for 212 Jericho Turnpike, formerly the Firestone building. The new owner will operate an auto repair shop in the rear portion of the first floor and the rest of the building will be retail and office space. There are no updates or meetings scheduled at this time for the proposed large-scale mixed use development project at 144-162 Jericho Turnpike. A reminder to all business owners: it is your responsibility to maintain your property and the adjacent sidewalks free from any garbage or debris accumulation. On windy garbage nights, please make sure your garbage is at the curb and secure so it is not blowing all over the business district leaving a mess for your fellow business owners and residents.
Pool and Recreation
Recreation Session II programs have begun. Preparations are in full swing for the coming year. This past Saturday was the field meeting with the various league officers to coordinate field schedules for the coming year. The next Recreation Committee and Pool Committee meetings will be held this Thursday, February 6th. Current park hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM; weather permitting.
Town-Village Aircraft Safety & Noise Abatement Committee (TVASNAC)
The next meeting will be on Monday, February 24, 2025, at the Hempstead Town Hall, One Washington Street, Hempstead. If you want to make a noise complaint regarding air traffic, you can call 1-800-225-1071. You can also go to our Village website which has the links under the TVASNAC noise complaint contact information page on our home page.