Village Wide Road Paving Projects Update

As you have probably noticed, there are many roads in the Village in various stages of repair. This is due largely to the several projects presently underway by various utility companies that impact our roads.

For the past two years, National Grid has been replacing gas lines in many locations throughout the Village. Additionally, the Water Authority of Nassau County (WAWNC) is replacing water mains in a large section of the Village. Many of these lines are at least 100 years old.

Often this work involves excavating and trenching large sections of the road to perform the installation work and then temporarily re-patching the road while the utility prepares for the next phase of their project. These next phases can include required inspections by other governmental agencies, or the connection of the utility’s services to residences when they are ready to switch over from using the older pipe to using the newly installed pipe.

With respect to the work being performed by National Grid and by the WAWNC, the Village has entered into agreements with these utilities in which they will provide the Village with the funds they would have otherwise spent to partially repave portions of the road they disturbed. The Village combines these funds from the utilities with funds from the Village’s ongoing Road Program to perform a complete curb to curb overlay of the street. Consequently, at the end of this work by National Grid and the WAWNC on these streets, the street will be repaved from curb to curb, rather than just having a strip of the impacted street repaved. By doing it this way, the Village can achieve fully repaved streets at reduced costs to the taxpayers.

For some of this work involving National Grid, the repaving of some of the streets has already been completed in the Fall of 2024 (see chart below). For other streets impacted by National Grid, the WAWNC is still performing work on these same streets. These streets will be repaved once the WAWNC work is completed. The Village expects that repaving work to begin sometime in the Spring or Summer of 2025.

In addition to all of this, PSEG is also performing work along Plainfield Avenue (a County road) and some Village roads, such as Lowell Avenue and Emerson Avenue, as part of their storm hardening project to connect various electrical substations. The Village is working with PSEG and the County to make sure these roads are properly restored when this PSEG project is complete. The timeline is tentatively Spring/Summer 2025. We are in contact with Nassau County road inspectors on a firm restoration date.

Still further, while all of this work by the utilities has been ongoing, the Village has continued with it its own ongoing multiyear Road Program to repave the Village’s roads (and some parking lots). Thankfully, these repaving projects by the Village are started and finished in a much more compact time frame. Several of these roads and parking lots have been repaved in the past several months and several other road repaving projects are planned in the coming months. These projects that are part of the Village’s Road Program are included in the chart below.

Click here for a full list of projects.