Mayor’s Message June 15-Village Recreation Center Continues Gradual Re-Opening

As the Village receives guidance and updates from New York State and Nassau County, we will continue to gradually re-open our Village Recreation Center.

As you are probably aware, a few weeks ago our tennis courts re-opened. Now, the fields at the Village Recreation Center will re-open, but not for organized team sports. The Recreation Center Fields will be open from 8 am to 9 pm. 

However, the basketball courts, handball courts, and Tiny Town will not be open at this time, although we expect to have Tiny Town re-opened within the next few days.  Also, unfortunately, all bathroom facilities will remain closed to the public at this time. The roller hockey rink will be open, but only for roller blading at this time.

Of course, any re-opening is still subject to all guidelines regarding social distancing.  Please refer to the CDC Guidelines for Visiting Parks and Recreational Facilities for pertinent health and safety steps that you should follow.  Masks will be required to enter the Recreation Center and you will be required to wear a mask if you cannot maintain six-foot social distancing from those with whom you do not live.    Also hand sanitizing stations will be available at locations throughout the Recreation Center.

We hope that you will enjoy our facilities with your family and friends and we ask that you please act responsibly and respect others.

Dominick Longobardi