We are happy to announce that due to New York State revised COVID-19 guidelines, we can remove most restrictions at the Pool.
- We no longer need to operate by sessions and will discontinue the reservation system. We will return to normal “modified” hours (before the pool opens for summer hours), as we have in past years.
Modified Pool hours for June 18th-June 25th12:00pm-8:00pm
Summer hours begin June 26th. The summer hours currently scheduled are 10:00am-8:45pm
- Unvaccinated individuals will still be responsible to wear a mask if they cannot maintain social distance from those who are not members of the same household. Masks are not permitted to be worn in the water.
- We will continue, for the time being, to have pool members bring their own seating. Assistance will be available.
- Please check the Village website at fpvillage.org for up to date information.
If you have not joined the Pool yet, please click here for registration information and details about paying by credit card.