Village Clerk Susan Walsh Farewell

Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald
Prior to the start of the meeting, Mayor Fitzgerald announced the retirement of Village Clerk Susan Walsh. On behalf of the current and previous Board Members he thanked her for her time, energy, and commitment that she has devoted to the Village and the class she brought to every event held at the Village during her tenure. Wishing her good luck in retirement and expressing gratitude for her service, she was presented with a large bouquet of flowers.

Deputy Mayor Lynn Pombonyo

You are a Floral Park treasure. You know all there is to know about Floral Park, yet you are always learning more. You can do it all, and you make it all better with your expert knowledge and skills, and your extraordinary creative talents. All of this, combined with your love of Floral Park and your calling, makes our Village sparkle and shine. You have sprinkled your magic all around Floral Park for a lifetime. Susan, your are a bright star that makes us all better and will make Floral Park a great place to live, work and raise a family forever. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May God bless you always.

Trustee Frank Chiara Thank you for always being there for the Residents of our Village, The Board and in particular for me. I know that I can be tardy in my email responses, but you have always been very understanding and gracious on asking me to get it done. You have also always assisted and helped me out in any way possible. I thank you for being you. One of the most fortunate parts of being a Trustee is building relationships with many really nice individuals. I want to thank you for being at the top of that list for me! Our residents, the Board and our entire community cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for this Village. Thank you and enjoy your retirement!

Trustee Jennifer Stewart
 have thought a lot about what I might say tonight to Susan Walsh on her retirement. My grandmother always told us not to say good-bye, but so long. Good bye is permanent and so long is temporary. I want to thank you for all you did for me when I came on board as a new trustee, you have been kind, patient, and a wealth of knowledge that you are always willing to share. So, tonight, I say so long and I will see you soon.

Trustee Michael Longobardi
Being the last Trustee to comment, there isn’t much more that has not already been said so Ditto. Thank you, Susan for all your years of service to our great Village, all your hard work and dedication. You have taught me so much about the day to day working of the Village beginning with my years on the Chiefs staff in the Fire Department. When a few years later, I walked in as a new Trustee, you picked up where you left off showing me the ropes.  Your tireless dedication to our Village and residents is second to none.  You are part of why this Village continues to be a great place to live. I appreciate all your help and support along the way. Enjoy your much earned and well-deserved retirement. Start with a nice long vacation.