Interest Free Period for Payment of Village Property Taxes Extended

I am happy to notify you that Governor Cuomo has granted the Village of Floral Park’s request to extend the interest free period for the payment of Village property taxes by 21 days.  Under New York State law, the Village has no authority to extend the interest free payment period on its own; however, during “a state disaster emergency” a … Read More

Mayor’s Message 5-12-2020

Today, although the Court recognized the Village of Floral Park’s “legitimate concerns” with the scope of the Belmont Project and the Belmont Project’s impact on the Village’s residents, the Court determined that it may not “substitute its judgment “ for the judgment of the Empire State Development Corp. (ESD).                 Of course, we are disappointed with the Judge’s conclusion and … Read More

Village Board of Trustees, designated the New Hyde Park Herald Courier as an additional official newspaper.

In case you’re unaware, the official paper of Floral Park, The Gateway, has temporarily suspended all future publications until further notice due to the COVID19 pandemic crisis.  As a result of this action, the Village Board of Trustees, on April 21, 2020, designated the New Hyde Park Herald Courier as an additional official newspaper. This means you can now find Floral … Read More

2020 April Village Items & 2020/2021 Tentative Budget

The following is a link to the April 2020/2021 Tentative Budget The Budget Village Items gives  you a synopsis of the Tentative Budget. The hearing on the Tentative Budget will be held on April 15th at  8:00pm. The Budget Hearing will be video conferenced to enable resident participation. The link and meeting information will be posted on the website.

Mayor’s Message December 3, 2019

  I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with updates on Village happenings during the holiday season!              Third Track               –                      As reported by Trustee Cheng at our last Village Board Meeting, work on the sound attenuation walls behind the Recreation Center and pool and up to the hockey rink has almost been completed and the … Read More

The Mayor’s Message: November 12, 2019

Dear Fellow Residents, With the assistance of the New York Islanders, the Village has obtained the following telephone number to be used to report issues, problems and complaints associated with the Belmont Redevelopment Project. This number is: 516-548-3118 This number has been issued for the above purpose and I urge all residents to please contact the number should you experience any … Read More

Mayor’s Message November 7, 2019

Belmont Update, November 7, 2019        Today Judge Roy Mahon issued a decision scheduling a return date of December 6th on the Village’s request for a limited preliminary injunction to prevent NYAP from continuing with any “irreversible” work pending the outcome of the Village’s Article 78 Action. However, Judge Mahon declined to grant the Village’s request for a … Read More

Mayor’s Message November 2, 2019

Dear Fellow Resident, As a response to the Village’s challenge under Article 78 to the development project at Belmont, the Empire State Development Corp (“ESD”) and New York Arena Partners (“NYAP”) filed papers with the court to request a dismissal of our challenge.  Mr. Michael Murphy, Esq., counsel for the Village at Beveridge & Diamond, was correctly quoted in Newsday as saying … Read More